📣 New Tarana BN Metrics in Preseem! 📣
Preseem's Proactive Platform brings commonality to access network and subscriber metrics across vendors, systems, and manufacturers. Our new charts and metrics for Tarana Base Nodes (BNs) introduces enhanced visibility and metrics for customers, giving you more insight and control over your network's performance. New metrics in this release:
- RF Airtime Utilization: This metric helps to simplify the task of identifying subscribers and BNs experiencing RF issues by approximating the current airtime utilization of the aggregated RF as reported by the Tarana BN.
- GPS: This graph is used to identify situations of potential clock synchronization loss that can cause interference between radios that degrades network performance and the customer experience. The chart displays the number of satellites currently being tracked, and their status.
- Port Utilization: This chart is used to identify potential misconfigurations or equipment failures by displaying inbound and outbound traffic across various ports on a Tarana BN, as reported directly from the Access Point.
- Diagnostics: New CPU and Memory Utilization charts allow you to monitor resource usage effectively.
Click on the image to take an interactive tour of the New Tarana BN Metrics in Preseem! 👇
These new capabilities are immediately available to all Preseem customers who operate Tarana equipment. Interested to learn if you're maximizing the efficiency and cost effectiveness of your Tarana investment? Check out this blog post that explores how deployment strategies align with Tarana's recommendations in real-world scenarios, and take an interactive tour of the new features here!