Single Sign-On Added to Preseem
It’s here!
We’re happy to let you know that single sign-on (SSO) with Google and Microsoft is now available for all customers.
To log in with SSO, please ensure the email address on your profile matches your auth provider. You can update your email address in Preseem in the “Manage Your Account” area (top right corner).
Domain-Based Authentication
Along with SSO, Preseem now also supports controlling which authentication mechanisms are allowed on a per-domain basis, making managing many user accounts easier and safer.
For example, if your company uses Google Workspace with, Preseem can be configured only to accept logins for via Google Authentication. Now, you no longer need to worry about disabling accounts in Preseem when staff leave your organization.
This new functionality makes it easier to manage new team members, too! Preseem can be configured to automatically create accounts when users at your configured domain successfully authenticate via the chosen authentication providers.
To have domain-wide authentication enabled, please reach out to our support team via the in-app chat with the following details:
- The domain name
The authentication providers to enable for the domain. Choose from:
- Preseem username and password
- Microsoft
- If automatic new account creation should be enabled for the domain